Attitude is a reflection of our mental software and the influences around us ... but it can also be inherited … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Attitude can be always changed ... and it’s basically ... a decision.

Ca be ... a positive or a negative one.

But a strong attitude is mainly controlled by our thoughts and emotions ... and maybe this is the reason why we see even at ourselves ... this balance between a good and a bad attitude ... in different kind of situations.

For the lucky ones ... the attitude was an important lesson of life learnt early at home ... by the parent that was closest to us ... and this is the reason why it can represent a reflection of the mental software.

On the other hand ... we are living in an ocean of influences ... and everything around teach us how should act on the stage of life.

Of course ... the most important important persons near us ... counts the most ... and they can become great


teachers that shows us the best way of acting.

A beautiful mother, with the body of a top model ... can teach her daughter have the attitude of a diva ... but also the daughter can teach her mother have the attitude of a young beautiful lady ... all her life ... no matter the age she has.

Attitude is an important aspect of life ... and sometimes matters the most.

But ... you see ... it can also be a reflection of our dreams and desires.

I once had the chance to met a gorgeous girl, came from the countryside ... from a poor family, that was acting like a hollywood actress.

She had an amazing attitude ... reflecting the power of her dreams ... and almost had the chance to go to Hollywood ...

The attitude defines us.

So ... dare to be the one you want to be ... acting in the best way you should act ... and let yourself influenced only by the amazing people from your life.

And most important ... never let the balance of contradictory emotions and feelings ... change the vibe of a beautiful attitude.


Download the book ”The dance of our emotions is a ... nonsense ... but a main part of our lives” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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